
  • 0.0
  • 261 學生
  • 報名時間 : 2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31
  • 開課時間 : 2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31
  • 課程費用 : 800 元

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Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics International Edition




* 以下章節為預覽,請點報名後點選開始上課,進入課程
  • Week1: Course Introduction、 Q1-What is time?
    • ● 第1A講 Course Introduction
    • ● 第2A講 What is time?
    • ● 第2B講 What is time?
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L02:what_is_time-講義
    • ● 第3A講 Lorentz Transformation
    • ● 第3B講 Lorentz Transformation
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L03:Lorentz_transformation-講義
  • Week2:Q2-How to describe a dynamical system?
    • ● 第4A講 How to describe a dynamical system?
    • ● 第4B講 How to describe a dynamical system?
    • ● L04:evolutionary-dynamics-講義
    • ● 第5A講 Newton's Second Law
    • ● 第5B講 Newton's Second Law
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L05:Newton_second_law-講義
    • ● 第6A講 Simple Harmonic Motion
    • ● 第6B講 Simple Harmonic Motion
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L06:simple_harmonic_motion-講義
  • Week3:Q3-Do forces appear in pair?
    • ● 第7A講 Do forces appear in pairs?
    • ● 第7B講 Do forces appear in pairs?
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L07:HH0086-do_forces_always_appear_in_pairs-講義
    • ● 第8A講 Center of Mass
    • ● 第8B講 Center of Mass
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L08:HH0087-center_of_mass-講義
    • ● 第9A講 期中考講解(一)
  • Week4:Q4-Is energy always conserved
    • ● 第10A講 Is energy always conserved?
    • ● 第10B講 Is A37energy always conserved?
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L10:HH0089-is_energy_always_conserved-講義
    • ● 第11A講 Conservative Force and Potential Energy
    • ● 第11B講 Conservative Force and Potential Energy
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L11:HH0090-conservative_force_and_potential_energy-講義
  • Week5:Q5-How does a rotating top maintain its balance?
    • ● 第12A講 Energy, Energy, Energy
    • ● 第12B講 Energy, Energy, Energy
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L12:HH0091-energy_energy_energy-講義
    • ● 第13A講 How does a rotating top maintain its balance?
    • ● 第13B講 How does a rotating top maintain its balance?
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L13:HH0092-how_does_a_rotating_top_maintain_its_balance-講義
    • ● 第14A講 Moment of Inertia
    • ● 第14B講 Moment of Inertia
    • ● 練習3
    • ● L14:HH0093-moment_of_inertia-講義
    • ● 第15A講 Coriolis Effect
    • ● 第15B講 Coriolis Effect
    • ● 練習4
    • ● L15:HH0094-Coriolis_effect
  • Week6:Q6-Are black holes black?
    • ● 第16A講 Are black holes black?
    • ● 第16B講 Are black holes black?
    • ● 練習
    • ● L16:HH0095-are_black_holes_black-講義
    • ● 第17A講 Gravity and Spacetime Curvature
    • ● 第17B講 Gravity and Spacetime Curvature
    • ● L17:HH0096-gravity_and_spacetime_curvature-講義
  • Week7:Q7-Is pressure in liquids a scalar, a vector or a tensor?
    • ● 第18A講 Is pressure in liquids a scalar, a vector or a tensor?
    • ● 第18B講 Is pressure in liquids a scalar, a vector or a tensor?
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L18:HH0097-is_pressure_in_liquids_a_scalar_a_vector_or_a_tensor-講義
    • ● 第19A講 Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
    • ● 第19B講 Hagen-Poiseuille Equation
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L19:HH0098-Hagen_Poiseuille_equation-講義
  • Week8:Q8-What is propagating in traveling waves?
    • ● 第20A講 期中考講解(二)
    • ● L20:midterm2-講義
    • ● 第21A講 What is propagating in traveling waves?
    • ● 第21B講 What is propagating in traveling waves?
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L21:HH0099-what_is_propagating_in_traveling_waves-講義
    • ● 第22A講 Wave Equation I
    • ● 第22B講 Wave Equation I
    • ● 練習2
    • ● L22:HH0100-wave_equation-講義
    • ● 第23A講 Wave Equation II
    • ● 第23B講 Wave Equation II
    • ● 練習3
  • Week9:Q9-How is thermal equilibrium reached?
    • ● 第24A講 Sound Waves
    • ● 第24B講 Sound Waves
    • ● 練習
    • ● L24:HH0101-sound_waves-講義
    • ● 第25A講 How is thermal equilibrium reached?
    • ● 第25B講 How is thermal equilibrium reached?
    • ● L25:HH0102-Boltzmann_distribution_for_money-講義
  • Week10:Q10-How to quantify uncertainty in a statistical system?
    • ● 第26A講 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics I
    • ● 第26B講 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics I
    • ● 練習1
    • ● L26:HH0103-heat_and_the_first_law_of thermodynamics-講義
    • ● 第27A講 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics II
    • ● 第27B講 Heat and the First Law of Thermodynamics II
    • ● 練習2
    • ● 第28A講 How to quantify uncertainty in a statistical system?
    • ● 第28B講 How to quantify uncertainty in a statistical system?
    • ● 練習3
    • ● L28:HH0104-how_to_quantify_uncertainty_in_a_statistical_ststem-講義
    • ● 第29A講 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics I
    • ● 第29B講 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics I
    • ● 練習4
    • ● L29:HH0105-entropy_and_the_second_law_of_thermodynamics-講義
    • ● 第30A講 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics II
    • ● 第30B講 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics II
    • ● 練習5
    • ● L30:HH0106-thermal_and_information_entropies-講義


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**113年辦理實體考試日程等相關資訊 https://mooc.nthu.edu.tw/news/info/29

課程助教 黃冠仁 email:ghwill9898@gmail.com


teacher Picture


國立清華大學物理學系 教授 | 查看講師





預覽影片 & 簡介


<strong><span style="color:red;">本課程適合準大一新生選讀</span><br /></strong> 在這資訊爆炸的世代,或許知識內涵已經不是學習重點。面對未知與挑戰時,學會如何建構知識與解決問題,才是安身立命之道。本課程設計以10個大哉問帶出相關的物理知識,要能銜接高中生的程度,要能涵蓋重要的科學技能,還要能帶領學生一窺研究前沿。本課程的設計與內容榮獲全球開放教育聯盟2014年傑出課程獎,跟著豪豬教授一起來探索物理吧~