
  • 0.0
  • 65 學生
  • 報名時間 : 2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31
  • 開課時間 : 2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31
  • 課程費用 : 800 元

NT$. 800 加入購物車




Biology (Campbell &;Reece, 9th edition) ISBN: 0321558235




* 以下章節為預覽,請點報名後點選開始上課,進入課程
  • Week1: Life on Earth I
    • ● Ch1-1 地球生命的起源
    • ● Ch1-2 外星生命
    • ● Ch1-3 生命如何看世界
    • ● Ch1-4 嗅覺與磁場感應
    • ● Ch1-5 生命科學的進展
    • ● Ch1-6 地球生命的早期演化
    • ● w1 Exercise
  • Week1: Life on Earth II
    • ● Ch1-7 尋找動物的起源
    • ● Ch1-8 寒武紀大爆發
    • ● Ch1-9-1 大演化 大滅絕
    • ● Ch1-9-2 大演化 大滅絕
    • ● Ch1-10 哺乳類的興起
    • ● Ch1-11 人之何以為人
    • ● w2 Exercise
  • Week2:The Chemistry of Water
    • ● Ch2-1 The Chemical Context of Life
    • ● Ch2-2 The Chemical Context of Life
    • ● Ch2-3 The Chemical Context of Life
    • ● Ch3-1 Water and Life
    • ● Ch3-2 Water and Life
    • ● w3 Exercise
  • Week2:Carbon: The Basis of Molecular Diversity
    • ● Ch4-1 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life
    • ● 練習4-1
    • ● Ch4-2 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life
    • ● 練習4-2
    • ● Ch4-3 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life
    • ● 練習4-3
    • ● Ch5-1 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
    • ● 練習5-1
    • ● Ch5-2 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
    • ● 練習5-2
    • ● Ch5-3 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
    • ● 練習5-3
    • ● Ch5-4 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
    • ● 練習5-4
    • ● Ch5-5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules
    • ● 練習5-5
  • Week3:Energy and Life
    • ● Ch6-1 An Introduction to Metabolism
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch6-2 An Introduction to Metabolism
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch6-3 An Introduction to Metabolism
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch6-4 An Introduction to Metabolism
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch6-5 An Introduction to Metabolism
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch7-1 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch7-2 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習7
    • ● Ch7-3 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習8
    • ● Ch7-4 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習9
    • ● Ch7-5 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習10
    • ● Ch7-6 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習11
    • ● Ch7-7 A Tour of the Cell
    • ● 練習12
  • Week4:Cell Communication
    • ● Ch8-1 Membrane Structure and Function
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch8-2 Membrane Structure and Function
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch8-3 Membrane Structure and Function
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch8-4 Membrane Structure and Function
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch8-5 Membrane Structure and Function
    • ● 練習4-1
    • ● Ch9-1 Cell Communication
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch9-2 Cell Communication
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch9-3 Cell Communication
    • ● 練習7
    • ● Ch9-4 Cell Communication
    • ● 練習8
    • ● Ch9-5 Cell Communication
    • ● 練習9
  • Week5:Cell Metabolism
    • ● Ch10-1
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch10-2
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch10-3
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch10-4
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch10-5
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch10-6
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch11-1
    • ● 練習7
    • ● Ch11-2
    • ● 練習8
    • ● Ch11-3
    • ● 練習9
    • ● Ch11-4
    • ● 練習10
  • Week6:The Cell Cycle
    • ● Ch12-1
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch12-2
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch12-3
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch13-1
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch13-2
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch13-3
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch13-4
    • ● 練習7
  • Week7:Mendelian Genetics
    • ● Ch14-1
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch14-2
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch14-3
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch14-4
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch15-1
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch15-2
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch15-3
    • ● 練習7
    • ● Ch15-4
    • ● 練習8
  • Week7:Molecular Genetics
    • ● Ch16-1 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch16-2 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch16-3 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch17-1 From Gene to Protein
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch17-2 From Gene to Protein
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch17-3 From Gene to Protein
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch17-4 From Gene to Protein
    • ● 練習7
    • ● Ch17-5 From Gene to Protein
    • ● 練習8
  • Week8:Control of Gene Expression
    • ● Ch18-1 Control of Gene Expression
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch18-2 Control of Gene Expression
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch18-3 Control of Gene Expression
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch18-4 Control of Gene Expression
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch18-5 Control of Gene Expression
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch26-1 Introduction to Viruses
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch26-2 Introduction to Viruses
    • ● 練習7
  • Week8:DNA Technology
    • ● Ch19-1 DNA Technology
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch19-2-1 DNA Technology
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch19-2-2 DNA Technology
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch19-3 DNA Technology
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch19-4 DNA Technology
    • ● 練習5
  • Week9:Genomes and Their Evolution
    • ● Ch20-1 Genomes and Their Evolution
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch20-2 Genomes and Their Evolution
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch20-3 Genomes and Their Evolution
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch20-4 Genomes and Their Evolution
    • ● 練習4
  • Week10:Mechanisms of Evolution I
    • ● Ch22-1 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch22-2 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch22-3 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch23-1 The Evolution of Populations
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch23-2 The Evolution of Populations
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch23-3 The Evolution of Populations
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch23-4 The Evolution of Populations
    • ● 練習7
  • Week11:Mechanisms of Evolution II
    • ● Ch24-1 The Origin of Species
    • ● 練習1
    • ● Ch24-2 The Origin of Species
    • ● 練習2
    • ● Ch24-3 The Origin of Species
    • ● 練習3
    • ● Ch24-4 The Origin of Species
    • ● 練習4
    • ● Ch26-1 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
    • ● 練習5
    • ● Ch26-2 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
    • ● 練習6
    • ● Ch26-3 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
    • ● 練習7
    • ● Ch26-4 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
    • ● 練習8
    • ● Ch26-5 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
    • ● 練習9
    • ● Ch26-6 Phylogenetic Reconstruction
    • ● 練習10


線上成績單 :

學習履歷 :

(1) (取得修課證明)於課程內完成三次線上測驗,每次測驗各可考兩次,將取高分測驗為評分依據,總分達60分以上可申請修課證明。**清大學生此證明無法抵免學分,其他學校請查閱認抵資訊。


(2) (取得成績證明)

1. 完全採取線上學習的同學(不參與實體期末考試):線上考試、作業、報告成績(合計100分)累計至60分,即可申請「線上成績單」(不得作為清華學分採計之用)。
2. 線上學習+實體考試同學:線上考試、作業、報告等佔50%,實體考試佔50%,若總成績超過60分,核發清華大學學分(視為自由選修)。

課程助教  張少銘 jefferson0607@gmail.com



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國立清華大學生命科學系 教授 | 查看講師
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國立清華大學醫學科學系 教授 | 查看講師
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國立清華大學生命科學系 教授 | 查看講師
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國立清華大學生命科學系 助理教授 | 查看講師

評價 (1)




2024-07-26 23:30:06


預覽影片 & 簡介


<strong><span style="color:red;">本課程適合準大一新生選讀</span><br /></strong> 本課程將奠定基礎生命科學知識,從生命科學概述、生命起源與人類演化、人類生命的質量、人類生命的延續、人類生存環境的可持續發展、生命科學知識。